Cecilie Anna


- Songwriter and artist from Stord, Norway.

Released her debut album ‘Going North’ in 2016 together with her band formally known as FAMILIEFORETAKET (The Family Concern). 

CECILIE ANNA’s first solo album, ‘I'm Here’ (2016) received glowing reviews in Norwegian national press. 

Cecilie Anna's third solo album 'Hommage County' is out!

Yay is an understatement - it feels amazing! ‘Hommage County’ is out and has received wonderful reviews in Norwegian press.

Excert from Per Henrik Arnesen’s review published at gaffa.no:
This is not background music; it requires that the listener spends time, time to let the melodies crawl in. It’s intimate, raw and beautiful, with everything wrapped around little stories. It’s an album which deserves your time and attention.

Cover photo: Magne Langåker